Danger Boat Productions Awarded TPT Grant to Share Minnesota’s Stories Through Improv Comedy
Danger Boat Productions is proud to announce our selection as a grant recipient for Twin Cities PBS's "The 250th Project: Sharing Minnesota’s Stories." This initiative celebrates Minnesota's rich diversity and cultural history through unique storytelling. Our contribution? Using improv comedy to spark meaningful community conversations. Learn more about this exciting journey and our vision for this special project.
Sketches of Community: Program Uses Laughter to Bridge Differences
A unique method of bridging differences made a stop in Austin Monday night, using laughter as a catalyst for unity.
An article from the Austin Daily Herald.
Laugh it out: Can humor ease tension in polarizing times?
From the sidewalk, the gathering at Winona’s Parlour Room on a recent Tuesday night looked like a big party.
Dozens of people drank wine, ate from heaping plates of pasta and chatted up and down long dinner tables inside the downtown storefront.
Paramount Center for the Arts and GREAT Theatre Win Bid To Host Sketches of Minnesota Improv Comedy Event
It’s described as a traveling civic-improv comedy tour. GREAT Theatre and the Paramount Center for the Arts actively applied to host the local event, which will take place on Thursday, July 25th.
Statewide civic-improv comedy tour looks to bridge divides in Minnesota communities
The Minnesota Humanities Center is partnering with a local improv production company to host a civic-improv comedy tour.
In each city or town, Danger Boat Productions will produce a unique event that brings residents together for meaningful conversation about their hometown.