Tane Danger, Co-founder

My name is Tane. Danger is his…last name.

Pronouns: He/Him

“Improv is a unique art. People are seeing the act of creation at the same time as the final product. That makes it feel alive and the audience, more connected. There's a sense of "How are they doing this in real-time?" Audiences lean in and pay attention differently because they’re a part of it.”

Tane was first exposed to improv growing up in South Florida, learning from Elena Maria Garcia, the founder of one of the first all-female improv troupes on the East Coast and the first all-Spanish-speaking improv troupes in the country. Tane brought what he learned to Minnesota and founded his first improv troupe when he was in college, LineUs Improv. There he met Brandon, and they began a friendship and partnership that has spanned 17 years.

As co-founder of Danger Boat Productions, Tane is the company frontman, leading new client engagement and outreach, media and community relations, and is the primary speaker and workshop facilitator. Together, he and Brandon collaborate with clients and co-create productions to ensure a successful performance/end product for the client and a side-splitting good time for the audience.

Tane believes wholeheartedly in the art of improv and that it teaches skills that make one more tuned-in, empathetic, and overall, a better listener and communicator. He is very proud of his interviews with brilliant thinkers like Michele Norris, Kara Swisher and Liz Cheney. While they were all very different people and interviews, he used his background as an improviser to have dynamic, authentic conversations on a wide array of issues.

When he isn’t performing, Tane is woodworking with his husband Eric, cooking (a lot), particularly from Milk Street (his favorite recipe website/magazine) and he bakes bread every Saturday.

  • BA, Gustavus Adolphus College | Master of Public Policy, University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs

  • 2014 Bush Fellow

  • Director, Westminster Town Hall Forum

  • Co-founder, The Theater of Public Policy

  • Co-founder, Walrus Improv

  • Artist in Residence, Minneapolis Institute of Arts

  • Regular contributor to TPT’s Almanac and host of Where Does This Bus Go? series

  • Teacher of improv at the University of Minnesota and Mayo Clinic

“We were fortunate to have Tane facilitate our organizational futures retreat. He brought our team together right away with interactive, engaging exercises that set the vibe for the rest of the day. His insightful knowledge of complex issues is complemented by a fun and approachable way to tackle complex challenges."

Nate Dorr, Vice President of Philanthropy and Advocacy, Northwest Minnesota Foundation